Shrinking world

From the shrinking world
of ancient age
You glimpse
What lies beyond

We spoke of
Matters long since gone
Where nothing more
Will change

Your house of
Many decades
Is still and
Waiting for your return

Where once were
Laughs and tears
Music and voices
Only memories now echo

You're on the edge
Pulled away yet
Through pure chance
So I could speak to you

The shingle path

I trod the path today
along the shingle shore
Fog hung low
over sea and hill

You were there
beside the quiet sea
but your spirit
was not

I know where to find it
and often I do
I remember you
and often I will

The markers stood
for eternity
and beyond

You will be with me
for the duration
I can't see, hear or touch you

You will be there
a smile by my shoulder
a guiding touch
until the Breaking of the Day
when the Shadows flee away


Everything is
the way it was
Everything carries on
the way it did

The same things
the same times
the sun, the rain
the wind, the snow

One is missing
and that changes everything
I miss you still, but
must go on

I cannot stand still
whilst the sun moves west
I cannot look back
whilst the moon moves forward

We all have our time
mine is now
yours has passed
I shall proceed onwards