Writings from Castle Town: a closure

The original idea behind Writings from Castle Town was inspired by a way of life I enjoyed over a period extending from 2005 until 2022. The first stop sign was reached with the death of my friend Barbara, two years ago next month, but really came to a close with the death of my father on August 29th. 

Castle Town referred to Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides, which is crowned by the recently refurbished Lews Castle, that baronial pile overlooking the harbour. 

Castle Town also referred to a small village in the Netherlands, just outside the city of Arnhem, crowned by a castle dating back to as early as 1314. 

My personal concept of Castle Town centred on two people: my father, in the Netherlands, and Barbara, in Stornoway. As both are now gone, the time is near to close the blog. It does not mean that I intend to stop writing poetry or stories. I shall publish a final post to announce the link to the new blog. Until such time, I shall continue to use this site. 

Not long now

Not long now
and we won't see you again
You are gone, but left to us
for a few more hours

Like our mutual friend
the trees look out
for your familiar form
as you pass under their boughs

The moors glance
across to the roadways
where you'd often
pass by

The house was empty
after your loved one
was gone
all those years back

You cared for her
with all the love
with all the strength
that love can impart

I saw her last
gliding from sight
framed in a train
carriage window

I saw you last
in a hospital bed
holding my hand
for a moment longer

You had achieved
what you wanted to
but didn't want to let go
until the Time came

Again, it'll be a warm
sunny day when
we say farewell
Gus am bris an latha